Hiller Highlands I – Welcome to Spyglass Hill

February 8, 2016 Minutes

February 8, 2016 Minutes

Hiller Highlands I Association Board Meeting Minutes

Highlands Country Club



Steve Willoughby, President

Chuck Scurich, Treasurer

Erin Bailey

Marlow Schindler

Ken Pytlewski, 2015/6 Inspector of Elections


Meeting called to order at: 7:05pm


Minutes from November 2015: Approved


Agenda Items:


  1. Homeowner’s Forum:


Oak tree behind 57/59 appears to be in need of attention.  The board agreed to have Cleary examine oak tree. The rotted bench near unit #5 will be removed this month after bids have been received.

Agenda Items:


  1. Ballot count and certification for 2016 board. Ken certified all ballots and with a quorum all of the homeowners on the ballot were elected.
  • Election of Officers, President Steve Willoughby, Treasurer Chuck Scurich, Secretary Kathleen Gilligan, Vice President Marlow Schindler.
  1. Treasurer’s report: (Chuck)
    1. Current balances and expense reports- on budget
    2. Late payments-None
    3. Action:
    4. Treasure report passed
  2. Landscaping:
  3. Review of 2016 Capital projects:
    1. Sewer Lateral Update:
      1. Timeline for completion – 2016
      2. Vendor: Upon review of additional bids, the one from Plumbing Ministries, who has completed sewer laterals on HH IV was the most attractive. A motion was made to accept this bid and move forward with Plumbing Ministries. Steve will coordinate the contract for board approval and will supervise the work. (will advise prior to it happening)
  • Street Resurfacing Timeline: The street will be resurfaced in late 2016 following sewer lateral work; bids will be solicited in early 2016.
  • Reserve Analysis Review: Chuck will call analyst to discuss having someone come to a board meeting and explain the analysis and expenditures.
    1. Two homeowners (Carole and Nahid) requested that the Reserve Analysis be explained more fully; board to consider having the Reserve Analysis consultant come to a meeting to discuss with Board and interested homeowners.
  • Next Meeting: March 21st 7pm


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM


Kathleen Gilligan, Secretary

1 Spyglass Hill