Hiller Highlands I – Welcome to Spyglass Hill

October 18, 2016 Minutes

October 18, 2016 Minutes

Hiller Highlands I Association Board Meeting Minutes

Highlands Country Club

10/18/2016 These minutes can also be viewed at our web site: https://hillerhighlandsone.net/meeting-minutes/2016-meeting-minutes/


Kathleen Gilligan, President

Chuck Scurich, Treasurer

Erin Bailey, Secretary

Meeting called to order at: 7:02pm

Minutes from August 2016: Approved

Agenda Items:

I. Homeowner’s Forum:

* No Homeowners in attendance for the Forum

II. Treasurer’s Report: Approved

a. Current balances and expense report:

Treasurer’s Report for October 18, 2016

Account Description Operating Account Reserve Account

  • Operating Account, Union Bank 21,654.04
  • Reserve Account, Union Bank 89,483.23
  • Reserve Account, Certificate of Deposit 65,603.62

Totals: $21,654.04 $155,086.85

b. Late payments: none

III. Landscaping Report

a. Fire prevention work

* Thanks to a $5,000 grant from the county earmarked for fire prevention, Cleary Bros. will continue to work on extensive brush removal and tree trimming to ensure that plantings adhere to standard building clearances. The HOA will match this $5,000, in accordance with grant requirements.

b. Budgeting for 2017

* It was determined that additional money will need to be included in the 2017 budget for for next year’s landscaping needs, including landscaping the walkway area along the start of the street, clean-up at the front and end of the street and possible irrigation fixes. Bids will be sought before the budget can be adjusted.

IV. Annual Meeting planning

a. Agenda

* Further discussion was given to the upcoming 2017 Annual Homeowner’s Meeting in January. A mid-January date will be set in accordance with room availability at the Highlands Country Club.

b. Elections

* Gary Firestone (#45) has volunteered to join the 2017 Board, along with the continuing current Board members; Kathleen Gilligan, Chuck Scurich, Marlow Schindler and Erin Bailey. All residents are welcome to participate on the Board so please let one of the Board members know if you are interested. Ballots will be sent out with the Annual Meeting packet in early December.

V. Property Maintenance

a. The wooden deck between 44/46 has deteriorated and the Board will be getting an estimate for repairs.

b. Lighting

* Chuck Scurich repaired the broken and burned-out light in front of #11.

c. Handyman

* Kathleen Gilligan is looking into the possibility of getting a local handyman who can do small repairs and lightbulb replacement on the street when issues arise. There was discussion as to whether this person could be on a monthly retainer and ‘on-call’ or contacted on an ‘as-needed’ basis.

d. Quarterly property review/walkthrough

* The Board would like to reinstate quarterly walk-throughs of the street in order to make contact with Homeowners and learn about any potential issues on the street pertaining to landscaping or otherwise. The date for the upcoming walk-through will be Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 10am. All residents are welcome to join!

VI. Street Resurfacing:

* Thanks to efforts by Steve Willoughby, the Board has received two estimates for street surfacing and repairs. American Asphalt has bid on laying down two layers of seal coat, which will last a few years. They also gave us a bid for the repair of the damaged parts of the street. More estimates are still being sought. A determination will need to be made as to whether the street is to be completely replaced at a great expense, repaired at a much lower cost, and/or given a seal coat or slurry coat. It was determined that any repairs or replacement should happen in spring, once winter rains have passed.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, Nov. 21st

Meeting Adjourned: 8:10pm