Hiller Highlands I Association Board Meeting Minutes
Highlands Country Club
These minutes can also be viewed at our web site: https://hillerhighlandsone.net/meeting-minutes/2016-meeting-minutes/
Steve Willoughby, President
Chuck Scurich, Treasurer
Marlow Schindler
Kathleen Gilligan
Meeting called to order at: 7:05pm
Minutes from March 2016: Approved
Agenda Items:
- Homeowner’s Forum All
- No homeowners in attendance for the forum
- Treasurer’s Report-approved
- The Reserve Analysis: can be found at the following link: https://hillerhighlandsone.net/resources/reserve-analysis/
At the annual meeting, some homeowners were interested in understanding more about how the reserve analysis is prepared. Specific questions that this document does not answer can be sent to the board at Mailbox #36, and the board will provide answers at a future board meeting. Depending on the issues raised, the board may set up a conference call with the Reserve Analyst that homeowners can attend.
- Landscaping
- The association is applying for a grant from the City of Oakland to pay for fire suppression debris removal. The work, if the grant is received, will be done by Cleary Brothers.
- Pat Geohagan has requested tree trimming, Kathleen to review with Cleary Brothers.
- Sewer lateral update
- Work is proceeding well, although because of the juxtaposition of the PG&E lines and the sewer lines, many have to be hand dug, which is extending the project. A motion was made and passed to make a progress payment to Trenchless.
- The sewer lateral work is guaranteed for twenty years, which suggests that at that time they should be retested. A motion was made and passed to add funds for such testing to the reserve fund allocations.
Next Board Meeting: June 28, 2016 7PM
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM